Valerie Mmanthe Mampshika, [Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and English.]

Individuals are unique and it is socially accepted for people to be confident about who they are and what they do which is also morally accepted,but due to my findings I have received personal opinions about individuals who are perceived as self-centered individuals.
Being self-centered means individuals always conversate about their lives 80 percent of the time and they do not give others a chance to speak.The world does not really revolve around them,because it has been proven by many theorists that we learn and adapt in our various settings.
To elaborate further interpretivists believe that the world is socially constructed,and although we have different values,beliefs and opinions as individuals we share what we know with others at the end of the day which might be helpful to try and transition their lives.
We also interpret what we experience individually in our different societies as suggested by interpretivists,therefore we could say that there might be a few people in our lives who are considered to be self-centered.
The main idea of the article is that people should stop being self-centered and look down on others,surpsingly they might need them in the future because it is also accepted not to be acknowledgable about a certain topic.
The world could be a better place to live in if we try to understand other individuals,and we humble ourselves and maybe we could learn something which could also help us in the future.
#Weekdays_with_ValerieMampshika 😊
#Weekdays_with_ValM 😊
#Self-centered individuals
#Learn from others