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1980 Datsun 280zx no engine , selling as is Illuminating Luxury: The Astronomical Price of Headlights for Bugatti Hypercars
Valerie Mmanthe Mampshika,[Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and English].

We learn about health everyday and individuals are encouraged to ask for health tips from health professionals moving forward.

The average girl gets her first period at the age of 12,but it varies from person to person when the breasts start growing and they experience white discharge, and boys start producing spermatozoa (or sperm,for short) at the onset of puberty around 10 to 12 years  which is why parents need to start talking about puberty from the age of 10 to prepare their children in advance. 

In this article we will be focusing on different contraceptives which individuals can use to practice safe sex and to prevent pregnancy,although contraceptives are not 100 percent effective. 

IntraUterine Device (IUD) also known as “the loop”).”IntraUterine” simply implies inside the uterus.The device is shaped like the letter T,and it is inserted surgically inside the uterus to stop the sperms from entering and reaching the eggs for a period of 5-10 years depending on the type of IUD. 

Condoms-There are two types mainly the male condom which is worn over the penis,and the female condom which can be inserted into the vagina before sex.Condoms prevent pregnancy,sexually transmitted diseases (STDs),and HIV(Human Immuno Virus). 

Contraceptive pills for women are designed to be taken orally by women which includes a combination of artificial versions of female hormones namely estrogen and progestogen. 

On one hand,Depo-Provera is a birth control injected on the buttocks or arms of females every three months which prevents pregnancy,and according to health professionals it takes approximately 7-10 months to be flushed out.Side effects are similar to the effects pregnant women encounter such as nausea,weight gain,acne and headaches.On the other hand,Nur-Isterate is a birth control injected on the buttocks or arms of females every two months which prevents pregnancy,and according to health professionals it takes approximately 9-12 months to be flushed out.Side effects are similar to the effects of the Depo-Provera. 

Contraceptive Patches release a daily dose of hormones (oestrogen and progestogen) through the skin into the bloodstream to prevent pregnancy. 

PrEP(Pre-exposure prophylaxis) are pills which are taken to prevent individuals from getting HIV which is prescribed for individuals who are HIV negative. 

Arm implant birth control also known as “Nexplanon” is a tiny thin rod about the size of a matchstick,and it releases hormones (oestrogen and progestogen) to prevent pregnancy for a period of five years. 

All the contraceptives mentioned above except for the condoms thicken the cervical mucus which makes it more difficult for sperm to move through the cervix and thins the womb lining so a fertilised egg is less likely to be able to implant itself. 

Individuals are encouraged to speak to a nurse or doctor to acquire more information about the pros and cons of using contraceptives especially for individuals who have not used contraceptives before.



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