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1980 Datsun 280zx no engine , selling as is Illuminating Luxury: The Astronomical Price of Headlights for Bugatti Hypercars
Valerie Mmanthe Mampshika,[Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and English.]

No matter what we go through in life as adults we are still forced to go to work every single day for us to get an income at the end of the month.

It is natural for all individuals to be stressed or not being able to cope with the daily activities of life in general as a result of many life roles. 

Individuals should also know that sometimes other individuals mistreat them at work,and stress might be one of the reasons,and in this article I will be discussing how individuals should keep their professionalism at work no matter the circumstances. 

Step 1-Get used to doing breathing exercise to calm you down and to prevent you from saying things that you do not mean.

Step 2-If your boss reprimands you,apologise immediately for them to calm down and explain yourself at a later stage. 

Step 3-Ensure that stress does not decrease your level of performance at work.

Step 4-Ask to be excused for a few minutes if possible before you blow up and take a five minute walk outside or smoke if you are a smoker to reset your mind. 

Step 5-Always think before you take the next step to avoid making more mistakes.

All in all ensure that your life should not affect you at work,because at the same time the company you are working for will have to pick up the pieces of all your mistakes. 

#Catch_Up_Mondays with Valerie Mampshika ☺

#Catch_Up_Mondays with Val M

#Having Stress In The Workplace 


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