Valerie Mmanthe Mampshika,[ Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and English].
When they are young adults from the age of 18 they are taught independence and how they should treat women which is the same age we could also consider universally to be the appropriate age to start dating.In relationships they are pressurised to provide what their girlfriends want and need in most cases and according to my male friends not all girls are appreciative which becomes unfortunate if the guy is fond of her by using it to her own advantage.
During my observations I have also picked up that men prefer to hide the way they feel,it is either people do not listen attentively to their problems or they do not comprehend their emotions through emotional intelligence,therefore they end up having a build up of emotions which were not dealt with.
Women should apprehend the fact that men are also humans and they are allowed to feel,and if they decide to take a breather then they should allow them to do so to avoid aftermaths such as depression.
The saying that “men should be strong” is another factor which needs to be overlooked in such a way that women in society need to try and be there for the male figures in their lives by ensuring that they avail themselves if they need a confidant.
All in all,if women feel as if the men in their lives do not receive adequate support then they need to attend therapy sessions with them which are also available for free to break the generational curse of men providing for families financially and emotionally forgetting that they are also humans.
This is dedicated to men… Remember to speak out to the right person for you to get the support you need.
#Mzansi_Catch Up_Mondays with Valerie Mampshika ☺
#Mzansi_Catch Up_Mondays_With Val