We have all probably learnt about short and long-term goals in school, but we never thought that we might need to use the fundamental tips in the future. We can familiarise ourselves with the acronym SMART which stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely, which explains how we should set our goals.
Individuals are encouraged in this article to put their pen on paper and jot down all their goals annually, but individuals should consider the fact that they need to be specific about the goals they want to achieve, the goals should be measurable and attainable according to various individual capabilities, and time is an significant factor because if majority of the individuals fail to attain the goals due to the time they have set for themselves then evaluation of the methodology they went through to attempt attaining their goals needs to be done to enable individuals to make a few changes to reach their final goals. Individuals need to be optimistic about the future, and have hope in terms of attaining their goals in order for them not to throw the towel halfway, as cliché as it may sound, ‘‘there is always light at the end of the tunnel’’. Numerous ancient psychologists such as Abraham Maslow have provided diagrams to depict that achieving your goals as an individual creates high self-esteem as a result of being able to attain goals independently, for instance in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs the final stage or fifth stage at the pinnacle of the diagram is named the self-actualisation stage whereby the personal potential of individuals have been reached because all the basic needs in the four stages below have been achieved.
Therefore, individuals need to be remember that they are important as ‘individuals’, and goals need to be attained by moving from one step to another (e.g being promoted at work), and to sum things up a flight of stairs cannot be completed in a second.
#SMART goals
#Plan for 2022 ahead
#Blue Mondays with Valerie M☺
#Blue Mondays with Val_M