Valerie Mmanthe Mampshika,[Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and English.]
Our forefathers had different values,beliefs and opinions in comparison to the current generation of parents,and they valued the idea of patriarchy which was used to favour the rights of men in most cases.
Numerous individuals have agreed that their grandparents preserved the values, beliefs and opinions of their parents which are factors that are still used by families which are also considered to be traditional families in such a way that girls are still raised to take care of the family,and boys are raised to be “the head of the house”.
Luckily, due to feminism women support one another and they preach independence on a daily basis (through motivational speeches and meetings for instance),also we can see in society that women do not necessarily need men in their lives to take care of themselves.
As I am writing this article to grab the attention of the current generation of parents born from the late 80’s our children should be raised in this way:
*Education should be viewed as a powerful weapon that can possibly change their lives in such a way that educated women should not intimidate men who are uneducated.
*The opinions of their children should be valued(both boys or girls)to alleviate the idea of men not opening up as adults.
*Gender roles should not be used in households(boys should also cook and clean like girls for instance) to alleviate gender inequality by believing that both genders are equal individuals.
*Boys should learn how to cry if they are encountering tough situations to possibly make them stronger men in the future,because crying does not result in the idea of them being weak.
*If their future wives earn more money it should not change the situation at home in terms of power.
*Conversations about periods,sex and sexuality should be openly discussed in a household of girls and boys.
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