Now we can hide behind our phones and computer screens and
totally avoid vulnerability and true intimacy but simply telling
ourselves, ‘It shouldn’t be this hard,’ and then you move on to the
next person waiting in the wings.
Before, relationships were relatively black or white — either you’re
together, or you’re not. Today, there are multiple shades of gray that
exist, and as long as both parties are aware and agree, who is
anyone to dispute that? Relationships today can look however they
want and the ability to have sexual relationships outside of
monogamy has accelerated that idea.
The paradox of choice is that it’s actually harder to pick the more
options you have. With the advent of dating apps and social media
connecting us to more than just the people we know in our areas or
might serendipitously meet somewhere, if you’re thinking dating
now is harder than it was in your parents’ generation or even ten or
fifteen years ago, you’re not wrong.
Additionally, social media gives us the illusion of a visibility into
others’ relationships in ways we’ve never had access to before.
Illusion, because most people aren’t posting about that big fight
they had last night or the difficult parts of navigating a relationship
through adversity. Yes, dating can be hard—but don’t despair.
There’s ways to get through it and even enjoy it while you’re looking
for your mate.