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Valerie Mmanthe Mampshika,[Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and English].

Are you feeling a bit lonely and do you feel as if you are ready to share your life’s experiences with someone,but you do not know which channels to use if you are looking for somebody you can love…

Those who are looking for love desperately need to comprehend that it will be quite challenging until they find “the one” who is also considered to be someone who is compatible.

Individuals need to:-
*Revamp the way they look for people to turn their heads.
*Be outgoing for other singles to see them.
*Join Dating sites such as Badoo and Tinder with the motive of finding a boyfriend/girlfriend who might be a life partner in the long run.
*Ensure that they have lost contact with their exes,and they have healed from past experiences before they can move on.
*Be physically,emotionally,and mentally ready for a relationship.
*Be friendly in conversations.
*Get clarity on the type of relationship they would like to be in.
*Throw the dating rules out of the window and go with the flow.
*Socialise with other people.
*Accept the idea of being hooked up by their friends and going on blind dates.
*Re-build their confidence.

In addition Charlotte Bridge proposed that when individuals are re-entering the dating world, it is quite important for them not to set their expectations too high. Instead, they should set attainable objectives so that you’re not left disappointed and subsequently deflated if things don’t work out instantly. For instance , for many individuals it’s not that easy to walk up to a stranger in a bar and start chatting to them.

In closing,people should take their time and go on many dates until they meet the right person,and if it does not work out they can take a break until they are ready to get back in the game.

Remember that the right person will find you one way or the other,because what was meant to be yours will be yours.

#Mid-Week Catch_Up with Valerie Mampshika ☺
#Mid-Week Catch_Up with Val M

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