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The big Energy Question

Stage two power cuts were suspended earlier this morning but Eskom will be switching off power again on Monday and Tuesday night to finish off the energy reserved for the week ahead. The power utility said that a unit at its Koeberg plant was offline yesterday, which put its aging and unreliable infrastructure under more pressure. Meanwhile, City Power claims that their customers will not be affected by load shedding in the next few days, and The City of Johannesburg recently finalised a deal to secure an extra 220 megawatts from the Kelvin power station which is privately-owned apparently.

The Spokesperson of The City of Joburg Isaac Mangena said that the additional power capacity will be able to offset the inconvenience of consistent blackouts in the meantime. A message which was announced for the customers was to inform them that The City Of Johannesburg is not load shedding as per Eskom’s directive as they will be implementing stage two load shedding due to capacity constraints. Therefore, The City of Johannesburg believes that due to the extra capacity they will have the ability to cushion all their residents from the inconvenience of stage one and two load shedding.

With the local elections coming up on Monday the 1st of November the outcome of the votes is unknown due to the rage of residents living in Gauteng in terms of load shedding which has been an ongoing issue since last year, not forgetting that electricity is quite costly and not everyone will be able to afford due to the loss of jobs and the bad economy as a result of poor trade.





#Mzansi_Catch Up_Mondays with Valerie☺

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